Parents rely on report cards as a barometer of how their child is doing in school. The Centre frequently reviews the most recent report card of a student we are poised to work with. If the child goes to an elementary school, we often hear comments from parents such as, “These report card marks are not a true reflection of my child’s ability. He cannot read yet got 75% in English, Math, and French.” Nevertheless, the student may struggle to auditorily and visually process information learned in the classroom, may be a slow reader if they can decode at all, or may have a hard time coping with attention and executive function deficits.

This is where parents’ intuition comes in. Many parents suspect that their child has a learning difficulty despite their good marks, but face a conundrum at the end of the school year: do they allow their child to take the summer off and play, or do they attempt to address the learning issues over the summer?

The answer is that there are many excellent programs today which can dramatically and permanently address many learning and processing difficulties, but most of these programs must be done intensively in order for the improvements to occur. Summer, far removed from the pressures and routines of daily school life, is an excellent time to address learning issues, and all it takes is a few hours a few days a week. Your child will still be able to enjoy their summer and get the help that they will need to conquer the next grade. As well, they will be less anxious when the new school year begins. What could be better than that?

All of our programs are offered during the summer months as well. Since children are out of school, the summer gives us the opportunity to address serious reading, writing, comprehension, math or French difficulties with intensive, daily instruction. Strategic Learning Centre offers the following summer programs.

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