Teaching struggling students HOW to learn since 1989

Tutoring Center For Kids With A Learning Disability In Montreal, Quebec

We will help your child reach their full potential.


Individualized Tutoring • Remediation • Dyslexia Support • Brain Training • In-Person Sessions

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How the Strategic Learning Clinic approach is different.


Inspired by Excellence & Innovation

Since 1989, Strategic Learning Clinic has taught thousands of students the skills to be successful and independent through our unique process and programs. Our approach provides an alternative to traditional, content-based private tutoring that often falls short for students with learning disabilities. We are excited to offer your child the bright future they deserve!

We offer a wide range of programs to address your child’s unique learning challenges.

Read our parent testimonials

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Remediation and Tutoring for Kids – In-Person (Montreal)

Our tutoring programs for kids includes tutoring for elementary school students, tutoring for high school students, tutoring for college students, and tutoring for university students. No matter your child’s educational needs, we can teach them the skills they need to be successful in school and in life.

Our tutoring and remediation for kids is offered one-on-one with one of our expertly trained teachers.

Strategic Learning Clinic’s program is specially designed to offer at-home help to children experiencing difficulties in learning. Our sessions are interactive!

We understand that every child is unique, and our tutoring centers are equipped to provide customized learning experiences tailored to each student’s specific needs. Whether it’s reading comprehension, math skills, or preparing for exams, our tutoring for kids ensures they receive the guidance and encouragement they need to thrive.

Our tutoring learning center offers a range of resources and support systems designed to foster a positive and productive learning environment, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to excel academically and personally.

We offer in-person tutoring and virtual tutoring in the following areas, all offered in both English and French:

  • Remedial Reading (Decoding): Our reading programs are designed using a phonological sequential approach that enhances reading fluency, accuracy, and the joy of learning. These reading tutoring programs are designed to support children through remedial reading programs.
  • Remedial Writing: If your child finds writing assignments challenging, our tailored writing program will enhance their writing abilities while boosting their confidence in communication across all subjects.
  • Remedial Reading Comprehension: Our program helps students develop essential reading comprehension skills by breaking down language into understandable segments. Our offerings include reading and writing programs, a comprehensive learning program, and specialized reading comprehension tutoring. This approach supports students in acquiring the fundamental abilities needed for understanding what they read.
  • Remedial Math: Our program provides extensive support for highly intricate math-related learning challenges, such as those associated with Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation regarding your child.


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Reading programs

We are so glad to have found Strategic Learning Clinic on our homeschooling journey! After the initial assessment, different remedial programs were suggested and little by little our daughter overcame some of her difficulties and most of all, grew in confidence and assurance of her strengths. Together with the exceptional one-on-one math remediation, the Interactive Metronome therapy proved to be the most efficient intervention for our daughter. She is now able to focus on different types of tasks with ease. Even during the pandemic, the clinic was very responsive, able to accommodate and adapt to the challenging circumstances. We recommend SLC if your child struggles with learning disabilities or any other learning challenges. The team is extremely courteous, understanding, and prompt to walk you through and assist in pinpointing the difficulties that need to be addressed. To the staff and team at SLC, a big THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!

Rosy and David Lombardi

“Strategic Learning Clinic has helped me to shape my thoughts and coordinate the way my mind works when approaching both personal and school-related work. The team has done wonders and they helped me in areas where I did not even know help was necessary. I wanted to thank Dara Goldsmith, one of the Clinic’s program directors, for all that she has done for me during the summer. Contrary to my first thoughts, the Clinic’s programs were based entirely on scientific research; unlike other treatments, the effects are not based on placebo.

Strategic Learning Clinic has greatly improved my academic skills and I will be forever grateful for what the team did for me. I am truly happy to have been helped by you!”

Nicolas Brunet

“Our children had been having difficulty in their studies for some time. We had tried a number of different approaches but with limited success. Strategic Learning Clinic was recommended to us by the resource teacher at their school and by a child psychologist. SLC immediately began with an interview of us as parents and a series of tests for our children to get to the root of their problems. After reviewing the results with us, they got our kids started on various brain training programs (IM, FF, Cellfield).

Our kids are now active in a number of remedial programs (LIPS, EMS, JUMP Math). We have also participated in a writing workshop and high school preparation classes. Throughout this intense effort, SLC has provided outstanding support. They have been with us every step of the way, identifying the issues, guiding us through the options, accommodating our schedules and giving us much needed encouragement. Most of all, every one of their teachers has been wonderful in building a rapport with my children, showing that they care for them and spending all the time and effort necessary to understand and help them.

As a result, my children have shown tremendous improvement in both their general ability to get organised, focus on what’s important and work things out, as well as in their capability in specific subject areas (English, French, Math). This in turn has led to greater overall self-confidence in everything they do. SLC has come at a critical time for our family. Although it has required a major sacrifice on our part, it has been completely worth it.

Thanks to SLC, we feel that our children are obtaining the skills to enable them to be successful in their academics and in their lives. While we still have a long way to go, we feel that our children are now back on track and that they have a bright future ahead of them. We are truly grateful to SLC.”

Julian Hung & Sow Fun Lee

Tutoring Expert F.A.Q.

The school system offers generalized education for classrooms but many schools do not possess the resources to provide unique solutions for individual children. At Strategic Learning Clinic, we address each child’s learning challenge(s) and develop a strategy to match their needs, personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

We offer the following unique services:

  • Diagnostic testing and extensive meetings with you and your child to ensure we have a complete understanding of where your child needs extra support
  • A customized education plan outlining the steps that will help your child work through the difficulties that he or she is experiencing
  • One-to-one teaching so that your child gets the attention and support he or she needs
  • Specialized reading, writing, math, and study skills programs that are proven and based on the most current research about how children learn
  • Unique computer-based brain training programs for improved auditory processing, language skills, attentional abilities, and reading fluency
  • Cognitive training to improve a student’s information processing ability. Children develop good work habits, strategies, and insights which they can apply in and out of school

Most parents have a gut feeling when their child is not progressing the way they should at school – even if the report card does not indicate a problem. If you suspect your child could be doing better in school, trust your instincts and give us a call. The information you will get from our initial consultation will help you decide if Strategic Learning Clinic makes sense for your child.

Here are some of the signs that may indicate your child needs help:

  • Your child is getting low or failing grades and you have been unable to solve these problems at the school
  • You think that your child is not performing to their potential
  • You are receiving comments from the school that your child is not paying attention in class
  • Your child knows something one week but forgets it the next
  • Your child lacks the ability to write essays or study in an organized manner
  • Your child seems to be acquiring skills very slowly (such as reading, writing or math)
  • Your child feels prepared for a test, but then fails that test
  • Your child has difficulty completing homework independently and there are tears and stress surrounding it
  • You have noticed behavioural changes relating to your child such as not wanting to go to school or complaining of stomach aches or headaches

Children don’t usually “grow out of” academic problems so it is important for parents to get the right help as early as possible.
Call us at:


(514) 966-1553
To set up an initial consultation



Many parents come to us overwhelmed by the many tutoring options available in the marketplace today and unsure about how to make the right choice for their child. The reality is that most tutoring – whether delivered by a mature student, a classroom teacher or in small groups at centres – relies on worksheets and repetition with the hopes that the more a child practices a subject, the better they will get at it. Unfortunately this approach doesn’t resolve most academic problems.

At Strategic Learning Clinic, instead of tutoring, we offer a unique teaching approach designed to get to the root of the problem. Our specialized programs are effective because they are based on the most current research about how students learn and because they are delivered by experienced teachers who work one-on-one with our students at their own pace. This approach repeatedly gets results – even when other methods have failed.

If your child is experiencing learning problems, here are some important things you should know:

  • Implementing a program without first doing a proper assessment of your child’s learning problems will not lead to the right solution – At Strategic Learning Clinic we offer a unique 4-step assessment process which enables us get to the root of all academic problems
  • Small group tutoring does not solve learning problems – research has shown that a one-on-one teaching approach, like the one used at our centre, is critical to achieving positive, lasting results
  • Repetitively filling out worksheets or tutoring students to complete their homework does not get to the root of learning problems – that’s why our specialized programs are based on the most current research about how children learn, and are designed to teach to each child’s specific needs
  • Using CEGEP and university students, or classroom teachers to tutor students does not usually resolve learning problems – you need experienced teachers, like the staff at Strategic Learning Clinic, who have an in-depth knowledge of the learning process and how to address specific academic problems
  • Don’t buy into promises or guarantees that seem too good to be true – we believe in telling parents the truth about their child’s learning challenges and providing a realistic plan that will produce results for their child

Our trained experts evaluate each child through an individualized and thorough 4-step assessment process. Each child’s academic strengths and weaknesses are identified and a program is custom-built to address their unique challenges. This specialized approach has helped thousands of students become effective learners and is the key to our success.

Our process involves:

  • An initial consultation
  • Standardized testing and referrals to other professionals if required
  • The development of a customized education plan designed to address your child’s specific learning challenges
  • Ongoing monitoring of your child’s progress

So many factors affect a student’s progress, including the age at which they start getting help, their learning style, what kind of home and school support they have, and what their specific learning issues are. So the answer to this question will be different for every child. However, once you’ve come in for an initial consultation, we will be able to provide you with a realistic assessment of what kind of support your child will need and how long it will likely take.

Our founder, Karen Foley, has extensive experience in special education and reading, and has been working with students who have learning disabilities for over 30 years. That is one of the primary reasons she opened Strategic Learning Centre in 1989 – to help parents solve their children’s learning problems. Since that time, the centre has helped thousands of students become more confident, successful learners.
If you have been told your child has a learning disability or you suspect that he or she does,contact us at


to set up an initial consultation



Here are a few web sites about learning disabilities that parents find helpful:

Rick Lavoie

(Author of It’s So Much Work to Be Your Friend: Helping the Child with Learning Disabilities Find Social Success)

Learning Disabilities of Canada


The key to unlocking your child’s potential
Our goal is to strengthen the foundation of your child’s learning skills so they can better process and absorb the world of information around them. Parents ask us all the time what makes Strategic Learning Clinic different from other learning centres. First of all, SLC is a learning clinic; think of the Clinic as a doctor’s office for students with learning difficulties. The journey begins with our first meeting. We thoroughly get to know your child by reviewing, among other things, their language and motor development, past and current academic performance and behaviour, and relevant testing that has been done. We then implement individualized testing to pinpoint your child’s unique needs, followed by a strategic plan to address them. Your child is carefully monitored and evaluated at each stage of their progress.

We also differ from other learning centres in that your child will often begin with remediation in English, French, and math rather than tutoring. Remediation fills in the missing bricks in your child’s foundational abilities by going back and teaching them what they did not learn in previous grades. Like the development of core muscles for your body’s physical performance, developing these core aptitudes are essential for the brain’s ability to perform mental tasks, and achieve success in most educational disciplines.

Our remediation specialists are accredited teachers who have been specially trained to teach our remedial programs.

We understand the range of emotions that brought you here: frustration, fear, hopelessness. We sincerely hope you give us the opportunity to do what we do best: Provide your child with the required tools and skills in order for them to have the best possible future.

At the Strategic Learning Clinic, instead of just tutoring, we offer

  • A specially designed programme for your child’s optimal success. 
  • Programme are based on current research and are delivered by experienced teachers based on your child’s learning capabilities.  
  • Through our effective consultation and assessment processes, we get to know your child’s underlying learning challenges. 
  • To understand your child’s learning and to redesign the programme for optimal offerings, we conduct frequent monitoring and retesting.

As opposed to tutoring, Strategic Learning Clinic’s remedial programs have benefited thousands of students for decades and have amply demonstrated that when a child is properly taught how to learn, then money and time is always wisely spent. 

Traditional, content-based tutoring cannot guarantee success for all students. Studies have shown that at least 30% of students benefit from proven remedial programs taught by specially trained teachers in order to address long-standing learning challenges. This is what Strategic Learning Clinic has provided since 1989. 

At Strategic Learning Clinic, we help you decide which of our specialists is best suited to fill in your child’s skill gaps. Parents have relied on our expertise in making this decision for over 33 years! 

Our specially trained remedial teachers teach mostly English, French, math, history/geography, and science. If your child needs help in another subject, please contact us to inquire and we will do our best to accommodate their needs. 

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